welcome to ma website
i made this website so i could post stuff on it i guess, i dont really have any plans for it.
thank you for visiting even if you dont know what this is, who i am, or my black, trans and bi-polar backstory.
most of the images, gifs, music and html on here are most likly stolen from better sites, and i will NOT be linking them, maybe i put the sources in the filename or somthing,,, idk
Does this sound like your morning?
I woke early one morning, the earth lay cool and still when suddenly a tiny bird perched on my window sill. He sang a song so lovely, so carefree and so gay, that slowly all my troubles begans to slip away. He sang of far off places of laughter and of fun, it seemed his very trilling, brought up the morning sun. I stirred beneath the covers, and crept slowly out of bed, and gently lowered the window, and crushed his fucking head.